Monday, October 31, 2016

Wedding Reception - Emcee Script

A lovely afternoon to our guests. Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the wedding reception of Mr. and Mrs.__________________. I am __________________, the couple’s (friend, relative, whatever) and I am tasked to be the emcee for today’s celebration. So please find a seat and make yourselves comfortable as we are about to start the program. 

Opening Spiel:
"No relationship is all sunshine but two people can share one umbrella and survive the storm together."

Indeed, today we have witnessed two people who never gave up on each other and remained strong amid the storm. Now, they have chosen to seal their love with the sacred sacrament of marriage. 

Grand Parade:
Since today is momentous for the couple, it is just right to give them a grand entrance and our warmest welcome. 

(music plays on the background as each sponsor is acknowledged)
  • Principal Sponsors
  • Secondary Sponsors
  • Flower girls and bearers
  • Bridesmaids and Groomsmen
  • Maid-of-honor & Bestman

Roll out the red carpet for the couple of the year Mr. & Mrs. ____________________! 
*Bride and Groom Grand Entrance

Ad lib like "They are the proof that love stands still even with the test of time. Love really makes us blush, look at them they are just absolutely stunning!"

Once again, let us give our loudest applause to the sponsors, the wedding entourage, and of course, the couple, Mr. & Mrs. ___________________!

Prayer before Meals
We have not reached half way of the program yet but pretty sure that some of us are already famished. Since there are still a lot of exciting activities which include games, dancing and surprises in stored for us, we need the energy to carry out all these tasks later. Let us all stand as we offer thanksgiving to our Lord for the bountiful banquet we are about to share.

Wedding Banquet Prayer

Lord God, Creator of the universe, Father of us all, we have gathered here around this dinner table to celebrate the love and commitment that have united the bride and the groom in a wonderful bond of marriage. 

Bless, Father, this food that we are about to receive with grateful hearts as a sign of your continuous bounty and providence. May your generous blessing descend also upon these newly married spouses, their families and friends present here at this joyful banquet. 

We ask that you would bless them, protect them, and fill their lives with your wisdom. We pray that our bride and groom would continually desire to be a heavenly mate. May they be determined to make YOU the center of their home. We make this prayer in the name of Jesus our Lord and Savior, who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit, on God for ever and ever. Amen. 

To facilitate and observe order during the buffet, let us have Table 1 at the left side of the buffet to be followed by Table 2 and so on...The food is now served ladies and gentleman. Enjoy the sumptuous meal everyone!

Songs for the Couple
As you enjoy your meal, let us be inspired once again with the lovely voice of __________________.

Acknowledgment of Guests 
At this point, we would like to request the couple to join the guests in their respective tables for this rare chance to strike a pose with the newlyweds. 

While everyone's enjoying the meal, here’s a slideshow of the couples’ pictorial and some most memorable photos through a slideshow presentation.

Photo Opp/Table Hopping
A wedding does not only bring two people together but it often reunites families and friends who might have not seen each other for months or even years. Weddings are indeed a high time for meet-and-greet. So let us acknowledge the presence of our most important guests. (Acknowledge guests from each table)

Cake Cutting & Wine Toast
In every wedding reception, there is always the cutting of the wedding cake which actually symbolizes the couple’s shared future and their life as one and maybe sprinkled with love and sweetness just like the cake. So may I request the couple to cut the wedding cake. 

Now that the cake has been served, let us join the bestman in the symbolic wine toast. 
Let's seal it with a sweet kiss. Couple if you could just give our guests' request. Kiss!

First Dance
 As a wedding tradition, let us welcome the couple on the dance floor for their first dance and as they dance their hearts away, guests would send their wishes by pinning bills on the couples' dresses.

 Life may get a little offbeat for the couple, they may miss a step or two but their hearts will always beat harmoniously for each other. Let's give another round of applause for the couple!

Bouquet and Garter Toss
For some real excitement and fun, the lovely and single, feeling single, almost single, it's-complicated single, and all the kinds of single maidens get hyped up now as we are going to proceed to the traditional throwing of the bouquet. Get your pump heels ready for jumping and do some stretching. Anyone who gets the bouquet will be the next bride. Let's count altogether.

Congratulations ______________ you are definitely the next bride so we have to find the perfect groom-to-be! It's the gentlemen's turn now for the garter toss. Get ready to wrestle as the gorgeous groom is going to retrieve the garter.

This time around we have to ask the groom-to-be to put that garter on the next bride's legs.
(Fun Tip: Groom-to-be should raise the garter as high as possible, using his mouth, LOL)

Today's affair is just getting more exciting with future groom and bride and since we are hoping for a romantic love to bloom between these two, we have to encourage them to seal this part with a _____________. Kiss. 

Opening of Gifts
The couple truly appreciate your presence here with or without your gifts but really the gifts also matter, kidding! (ad lib) The couple may not be able to open all these gifts tonight but let us check on the biggest and the smallest gifts  (or the couple's choice).

Messages from family, relatives, and friends
I know you have written your messages for the couple but let us hear some of the most important people in the couple's life.Here are some words from _____________________. Let us give him/her a round of applause 

Message from couple
The celebration is about to end but the couple’s joyous moment will surely last a lifetime. And even as we go home tonight, may we still keep the memories we made today with our lovely couple. To personally express their gratitude for the entire wedding celebration and the people who made it possible, let us give the floor to our newlyweds for their message.

It has truly been a wonderful evening. Thank you everyone for taking part in the celebration of love and life with our newlyweds, Mr. and Mrs. _________________________. We might have come to the end of the program but remember, a true love story never ends. God bless and good day/night!


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  1. This is really nice; I’ll definitely use some of this in my friend’s wedding. He has asked me to host the ceremony so I think I can use pretty much all of it. He’s getting hitched in one of the classiest wedding venues Los Angeles has, to his college sweetheart. It’s a very romantic story!

  2. Interesting! Thanks for providing this wedding reception program script. Thumbs up! )

  3. Simple i love the script.

  4. This is so helpful! I've been reading a lot of sample script and this one I find very relevant...thank you so much!

  5. Super gAnda at simple nung script laking tulong cea,.luv it😘😘

  6. Thank you very much! This is so helpful and i can say I can execute this well. God bless you!

  7. Big help for someone like me na first time magho host ng wedding. God bless

  8. I really like this script it's simple but details thank you so much it's really help for me as a first timer emcee...

  9. loved the script so much. simple but beautiful words that easy to remember

  10. send it to my gmail or messenger...tnx po


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